RDF-star is an extension to RDF that provides a way for one triple to refer to another triple. RDF* is the name of the original work which is described in Olaf Hartig’s blog entry.
<< :john foaf:name "John Smith" >> dct:source <http://example/directory> .
The part << :john foaf:name "John Smith" >>
is a quoted triple and refers to the triple with subject :john
, property foaf:name
and object "John Smith"
Triple terms can be in the subject or object position.
Jena provides support for RDF-star and the related SPARQL-star.
- Turtle, N-Triples, TriG and N-Quads extended for Triple Terms syntax, input and output. There is no output in RDF/XML.
- SPARQL extended with Triple Term syntax for graph matching.
- SPARQL Result formats for JSON and XML extended to support quoted triples in results.
- Support in the Model API.
- Translation to and from RDF reification.
All this is active by default in Fuseki.
The aim is to follow the definition of the RDF-star community.
Storage in databases TDB1 and TDB2 as well as in-memory databases is supported.
RDF-star syntax for quoted triples is added to the parsers for Turtle, N-Triples, TriG and N-Quads.
Datasets may have graphs that have quoted triples that refer to triples anywhere, not just in the same graph.
Matches for quoted triples:
SELECT ?name { <<:john foaf:name ?name >> dct:source <http://example/directory> }
Insert triples terms into the default graph to record the graph source.
INSERT { <<?s ?p ?o>> dct:source <http://example/directory> }
GRAPH <http://example/directory> {
?s ?p ?o
Use in expressions:
?s ?p ?o
BIND(<< ?s ?p ?o>> AS ?t)
SELECT (<< ?s ?p ?o>> AS ?t) {
?s ?p ?o
SPARQL Functions related to quoted triples
These functions cause an expression error if passed the wrong type of arguments.
Function | Description |
TRIPLE(?s, ?p, ?o) |
Create a quoted triple from s/p/o |
isTRIPLE(?t) |
Return true if the argument value is a quoted triple |
Return the subject of the quoted triple |
Return the predicate (property) of the quoted triple |
OBJECT(?t) |
Return the object of the quoted triple |
SPARQL results
The syntaxes for SPARQL results from a SELECT query, application/sparql-results+json
are extended to include quoted triples:
The quoted triple << _:b0 <http://example/p> 123 >>
is encoded, in
"type": "triple" ,
"value": {
"subject": { "type": "bnode" , "value": "b0" } ,
"predicate": { "type": "uri" , "value": "http://example/p" } ,
"object": { "type": "literal" , "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer" , "value": "123" }
and similarly in application/sparql-results+xml
<literal datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer">123</literal>
Model API
RDF-star quoted triples are treated as Resource
to preserve the typed Model API.
They occur in the subject and object positions.
A Resource
contains a Statement
object if the underlying RDF term is an RDF-star quoted triple.
New methods include:
Statement Resource.getStatement()
Resource Model.createResource(Statement)
Resource ResourceFactory.createStatement
provides functions to translate RDF-star into
RDF reification, and translate it back again to RDF-star.
Translating back to RDF-star relies on the consistency constraint that there is only one reification for each unique quoted triple term.