Support of RDF-star

RDF-star is an extension to RDF that provides a way for one triple to refer to another triple. RDF* is the name of the original work which is described in Olaf Hartig’s blog entry.


<< :john foaf:name "John Smith" >> dct:source <http://example/directory> .

The part << :john foaf:name "John Smith" >> is a quoted triple and refers to the triple with subject :john, property foaf:name and object "John Smith".

Triple terms can be in the subject or object position.

Jena provides support for RDF-star and the related SPARQL-star.

  • Turtle, N-Triples, TriG and N-Quads extended for Triple Terms syntax, input and output. There is no output in RDF/XML.
  • SPARQL extended with Triple Term syntax for graph matching.
  • SPARQL Result formats for JSON and XML extended to support quoted triples in results.
  • Support in the Model API.
  • Translation to and from RDF reification.

All this is active by default in Fuseki.

The aim is to follow the definition of the RDF-star community.

Storage in databases TDB1 and TDB2 as well as in-memory databases is supported.


RDF-star syntax for quoted triples is added to the parsers for Turtle, N-Triples, TriG and N-Quads.

Datasets may have graphs that have quoted triples that refer to triples anywhere, not just in the same graph.


Matches for quoted triples:

SELECT ?name { <<:john foaf:name ?name >> dct:source <http://example/directory> }

Insert triples terms into the default graph to record the graph source.

INSERT { <<?s ?p ?o>> dct:source <http://example/directory> }
    GRAPH <http://example/directory> {
        ?s ?p ?o

Use in expressions:

   ?s ?p ?o 
   BIND(<< ?s ?p ?o>> AS ?t)
SELECT (<< ?s ?p ?o>> AS ?t) {
   ?s ?p ?o 

These functions cause an expression error if passed the wrong type of arguments.

Function Description
TRIPLE(?s, ?p, ?o) Create a quoted triple from s/p/o
isTRIPLE(?t) Return true if the argument value is a quoted triple
SUBJECT(?t) Return the subject of the quoted triple
PREDICATE(?t) Return the predicate (property) of the quoted triple
OBJECT(?t) Return the object of the quoted triple

SPARQL results

The syntaxes for SPARQL results from a SELECT query, application/sparql-results+json, application/sparql-results+xml are extended to include quoted triples:

The quoted triple << _:b0 <http://example/p> 123 >> is encoded, in application/sparql-results+json as:

      "type": "triple" ,
      "value": {
        "subject":    { "type": "bnode" , "value": "b0" } ,
        "predicate":  { "type": "uri" , "value": "http://example/p" } ,
        "object":     { "type": "literal" , "datatype": "" , "value": "123" }

and similarly in application/sparql-results+xml:

        <literal datatype="">123</literal>

Model API

RDF-star quoted triples are treated as Resource to preserve the typed Model API. They occur in the subject and object positions.

A Resource contains a Statement object if the underlying RDF term is an RDF-star quoted triple.

New methods include:

  • Statement Resource.getStatement()
  • Resource Model.createResource(Statement)
  • Resource ResourceFactory.createStatement


org.apache.jena.system.RDFStar provides functions to translate RDF-star into RDF reification, and translate it back again to RDF-star.

Translating back to RDF-star relies on the consistency constraint that there is only one reification for each unique quoted triple term.