The in-memory, transactional dataset provides a dataset with full ACID transaction semantics, including abort. It provides for multiple readers and a concurrent writer together with full snapshot isolation of the dataset. Readers see an unchanging, consistent dataset where aggregate operations return stable results.
API use
A new instance of the class is obtained by a call to DatasetFactory.createTxnMem()
Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem() ;
This can then be used by the application for reading:
Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem() ;
ds.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
try {
... SPARQL query ...
} finally { ds.end() ; }
or writing:
Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem() ;
ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
try {
... SPARQL update ...
... SPARQL query ...
... SPARQL update ...
ds.commit() ;
} finally { ds.end() ; }
If the application does not call commit()
, the transaction aborts and the
changes are lost. The same happens if the application throws an exception.
Non-transactional use.
If used outside of a transaction, the implementation provides “auto-commit” functionality. Each triple or added or deleted is done inside an implicit transaction. This has a measurable performance impact. It is better to do related operations inside a single transaction explicitly in the application code.
Assembler Use
The assembler provides for the creation of a dataset and also loading it with data read from URLs (files or from any other URL).
- Type:
- Properties:
, for loading a specific graph of the dataset. This usesja:graphName
to specific the name andja:data
to load data.
The examples use the following prefixes:
PREFIX ja: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
To create an empty in-memory dataset, all that is required is the line:
[] rdf:type ja:MemoryDataset .
With triples for the default graph, from file dataFile.ttl
, Turtle format:
[] rdf:type ja:MemoryDataset ;
ja:data <file:dataFile.ttl> .
With triples from several files:
[] rdf:type ja:MemoryDataset ;
ja:data <file:data1.ttl> ;
ja:data <file:data2.nt> ;
ja:data <file:data3.jsonld> ;
Load TriG:
[] rdf:type ja:MemoryDataset ;
ja:data <file:data.trig> .
Load a file of triples into a named graph:
[] rdf:type ja:MemoryDataset ;
ja:namedGraph [ ja:graphName <http://example/graph> ; ja:data <file:///fullPath/data.ttl> ] .