All Classes and Interfaces

Return type ogc:geomLiteral ogc:geomLiteral can be a string value like "<gml:Point ...>...</gml:Point>"
Based on: OGC 06-103r4
Great Circle distance uses Haversine formula.
Determines final Latitude and Longitude based on a bearing.
Constant values are calculated once to avoid repetition.
Latitude and longitude calculated in stages to avoid unnecessary calculations.
This function is not part of the GeoSPARQL standard but has been included as a minor variation.
This property is not part of the GeoSPARQL standard but has been included as a minor variation.
SpatialIndex for testing bounding box collisions between geometries within a Dataset.
Queries must be performed using the same SRS URI as the SpatialIndex.
The SpatialIndex is added to the Dataset Context when it is built.
QueryRewriteIndex is also stored in the SpatialIndex as its content is Dataset specific.
Spatial Index Items in a Serializable form for file reading or writing.
Based on: Based on: Based on:
WKTDatatype class allows the URI "geo:wktLiteral" to be used as a datatype and it will parse that datatype to a JTS Geometry.
Convenience methods to produce WKT Literals.