Jena supports TriX, a simple XML format for RDF, for both reading and writing RDF data.
The support is of the TriX core, without processing instructions.
Local copies:
Both the original HPlabs and W3C DTDs are supported for reading. Writing is
according to the W3C DTD, that is using root element <trix>
rather than <TriX>
Note: This format should not be confused with RDF/XML, the W3C standardised XML format for RDF.
TriX History
TriX originated from work by Jeremy Carroll (then at HP Labs, Bristol) and Patrick Stickler (then at Nokia) and published as a tech report HPL-2004-56 There is also earlier work published in HPL-2003-268.
The work within the Semantic Web Interest Group on Named Graphs, including TriX, is documented at
Trix XML Schema:
The W3C DTD differs from
HPL-2004-56 by having root element <trix>
not <TriX>
<!-- TriX: RDF Triples in XML -->
<!ELEMENT trix (graph*)>
<!ATTLIST trix xmlns CDATA #FIXED "">
<!ELEMENT graph (uri, triple*)>
<!ELEMENT triple ((id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral), uri, (id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral))>
<!ELEMENT plainLiteral (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST plainLiteral xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT typedLiteral (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST typedLiteral datatype CDATA #REQUIRED>
The format is extended for RDF-star with
embedded triples by allowing nested <triple>
Trix-star (2021) adds ’triple’ to subject and object positions
of ELEMENT triple
<!ELEMENT triple ((id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral|triple), uri, (id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral|triple))>
The Turtle:
PREFIX : <http://example/>
:s :p "ABC" .
<< :s :p :o >> :q :r .
is written in Trix as:
<trix xmlns="">