Jena supports TriX, a simple XML format for RDF, for both reading and writing RDF data.
The support is of the TriX core, without processing instructions.
Both the original HPlabs and W3C DTDs are supported for reading. Writing is
according to the W3C DTD, that is using root element <trix>
rather than <TriX>
Note: This format should not be confused with RDF/XML, the W3C standardised XML format for RDF.
TriX History
TriX originated from work by Jeremy Carroll (then at HP Labs, Bristol) and Patrick Stickler (then at Nokia) and published as a tech report HPL-2004-56 There is also earlier work published in HPL-2003-268.
The work within the Semantic Web Interest Group on Named Graphs, including TriX, is documented at
Trix XML Schema:
The W3C DTD differs from
HPL-2004-56 by having root element <trix>
not <TriX>
<!-- TriX: RDF Triples in XML -->
<!ELEMENT trix (graph*)>
<!ATTLIST trix xmlns CDATA #FIXED "">
<!ELEMENT graph (uri, triple*)>
<!ELEMENT triple ((id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral), uri, (id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral))>
<!ELEMENT plainLiteral (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST plainLiteral xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT typedLiteral (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST typedLiteral datatype CDATA #REQUIRED>
The format is extended for RDF-star with
embedded triples by allowing nested <triple>
Trix-star (2021) adds ’triple’ to subject and object positions
of ELEMENT triple
<!ELEMENT triple ((id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral|triple), uri, (id|uri|plainLiteral|typedLiteral|triple))>
The Turtle:
PREFIX : <http://example/>
:s :p "ABC" .
<< :s :p :o >> :q :r .
is written in Trix as:
<trix xmlns="">