All Classes and Interfaces

An extended Implementation factory, the base class for any factories to produce Ontology Objects.
Default implementation of EnhNodeFactory.
A Ontology Object Factory implementation to combine several other factories.
Simple GraphRepository implementation with location mapping.
An EnhNode factory abstraction, that is an ONT-API analogue of the Jena Implementation Factory.
To filter resources.
A class-helper to perform the preliminary resource search in a model.
To make some preparation while creating (create main triple).
The base maker implementation for our project.
to create a triple representing declaration.
Base implementation of GraphListener.
A factory for providing instances of named graphs with appropriate storage models.
Graph repository.
Helper to work with Jena Graph (generally with our UnionGraph) and with its related objects: Triple and Node.
Helper class to handle resource hierarchy.
Misc utils to work with Iterators, Streams, Collections, etc.
A Bulk Annotation Ontology Object.
The implementation of Annotation Ontology Object.
Interface encapsulating a {named} Annotation Property.
Implementation of Annotation Property abstraction (a URI-Resource with owl:AnnotationProperty type).
A base abstraction for any Class Expressions (both named and anonymous).
An abstraction for Cardinality Restrictions.
An abstract class expression that unites class expressions consisting of multiple components.
OntClass.ComponentRestriction<O extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode,P extends OntRelationalProperty>
An abstract class expression (Restriction) that has component (i.e., 'filler' in OWL-API terms): all Cardinality Restrictions, Existential/Universal Restrictions, Individual/Literal Value Restrictions.
Describes Boolean Connectives and Enumeration of Individuals (OntClass.ComplementOf, OntClass.UnionOf, OntClass.IntersectionOf and OntClass.OneOf).
An Ontology Class Entity, a named class expression.
An abstraction that unites all Restrictions with the predicate owl:onProperties.
A supertype for all class expressions with the type OWL2.Restriction.
An abstract class expression that unites all Restrictions with the predicate owl:onProperty.
OntClass.ValueRestriction<O extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode,P extends OntRelationalProperty>
An abstract for *Value*Restrictions (e.g.
A base class for any class-expression implementation.
Abstraction for any cardinality restriction.
OntClassImpl.ComponentRestrictionImpl<O extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode,P extends OntRelationalProperty,R extends OntClassImpl.ComponentRestrictionImpl<?,?,?>>
Abstract base component-restriction class.
Abstract implementation for any restriction with owl:onProperty predicate.
Base for all OntClass.Restriction impls.
Configuration to control OntModel and OntPersonality behavior.
Collection of ontology configurations.
Interface encapsulating the Ontology (Named) Data Property.
An ontology object implementation with declarative type owl:DatatypeProperty.
A base abstraction for Ontology Data Range Expressions (both named and anonymous).
OntDataRange.Combination<N extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode>
An abstract datarange that unites DataRanges consisting of multiple components.
Interface encapsulating an Ontology Datatype, OWL Entity, a named data range expression.
Implementation for Data Range Expressions.
Interface encapsulating an anonymous resource-collection of objects in an ontology with one of the following types: owl:AllDisjointProperties, owl:AllDisjointClasses, owl:AllDifferent).
Abstraction for Pairwise Disjoint Properties anonymous Ontology Object.
Implementation for anonymous owl:AllDisjointProperties, owl:AllDisjointClasses, owl:AllDifferent sections.
DisjointClasses := 'DisjointClasses' '(' axiomAnnotations subClassExpression subClassExpression { subClassExpression } ')'
An abstraction to work with OntPersonality and an interface-analogue of the Jena Enhanced Graph, and also a facility to provide implicit links between different EnhNodeFactory factories within a model.
A helper (factory) to produce EnhNode factories instances or its components.
The base interface for OWL entities, which are always URI-Resource.
Interface encapsulating an Ontology Facet Restriction abstraction.
Implementation of Facet Restrictions
Implementation of a model that can process general ontologies in OWL and similar languages.
Interface encapsulating an Ontology Identifier.
An Ontology ID Implementation.
Interface for named and anonymous individuals.
An interface for Anonymous Individuals.
An interface for Named Individual which is an Entity OntEntity.
An OntIndividual implementation, both for anonymous and named individuals.
See description to the interface OntIndividual.Anonymous.
Represents a named individual.
A base ONT-API jena exception.
Exception that is thrown when an ontology resource is converted to another facet, usually using as(), and the requested conversion is not possible.
Exception, which may happen while creation of ont-object.
A Jena exception that indicates wrong input.
An exception to indicate that a feature is not supported right now or by design for current conditions.
A Jena exception that indicates that Jena-object state is broken, which may happen in multithreading or in other uncommon situations.
An exception that is thrown if a recursion is found in the graph.
Exception that is raised when an ontology operation is attempted that is not present in the configuration (e.g. language profile) for the current ontology model.
OntList<E extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode>
A parameterized analogue of the Jena []-List that behaves like a java collection.
OntListImpl<E extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode>
Default OntList implementation.
The simplest iterator over a rdf:List, whose method returns a batch of triples in the form of standard Java List.
An extended OntListImpl.RDFListIterator whose method does not throw NoSuchElementException in case no element found, but returns null instead.
An enhanced view of a Jena Model about which is known to contain OWL or RDFS ontology data.
Default settings for OntConfig.
Events that called on OntModel's level.
A factory to produce Ontolofy models.
A collection of utilities for working with OWL Model and all related objects: Ontology Object, Ontology Entity, Node List, Ontology Statement.
Named entity with rdf:type = rdfs:Datatype.
OntNegativeAssertion<P extends OntRelationalProperty,V extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode>
Interface representing the Negative Property Assertion abstraction, where predicate (property) is expected to be either ontology data property (R) or object property exception (P).
OntNegativePropertyAssertionImpl<P extends OntRelationalProperty,T extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode>
Implementation of the Negative Property Assertion.
A base Ontology Object RDF Resource.
The base for any Ontology Object Resource implementation.
An OntPersonality builder.
A common interface for any Ontology Object Property Expression.
Represents a ObjectInverseOf.
Interface encapsulating an Ontology Named Object Property.
Implementation of the Object Property Expression abstraction.
Settings and personalities that are used for constructing OntModel.
A Ontology RDF Model configuration object that serves for the following purposes: Defines a set of permitted mappings from [interface] Class objects to OWL Ontology Object factory that can generate instances of the facet represented by the Class. Defines a set of builtin OWL entities Defines a set of OWL punnings Defines a set of reserved Resources and Propertys, that cannot be used as OWL Entities NOTE: The instance of this interface must also extend Jena Personality with a generic type RDFNode.
A vocabulary of built-in ONT Entities.
A punnings' vocabulary.
A vocabulary of reserved IRIs.
A default implementation of OntPersonality.
An abstraction for any Ontology Property Expression.
Property Expression base impl-class.
A common (abstract) interface for any Ontology Data and Object Property expressions.
Simple Ontology Class implementation.
Primary (named) class (<uri> a owl:Class).
A version of Named class for RL specification.
Simple direct OntProperty implementation.
Encapsulates a description of the components of an ontology model.
An Ontology RDF Statement.
An implementation of Ontology Statement.
A base for SWRL addition.
It is not a SWRL Object, but just a plain OntObject.
A base abstraction for SWRL-Atom.
A binary atom abstraction.
A unary atom abstraction.
Represents SWRL.Builtin entity.
An interface that represents either Literal or OntSWRL.Variable.
An interface that represents either OntIndividual or OntSWRL.Variable.
Represents SWRL.Variable entity.
Ont SWRL Object Implementation.
A wrapper for DocumentGraphRepository that controls imports OntModel closure.
An Ontology Vocabulary.
A factory-helper to work with OntVocabulary instances, that wrap constant-holders from the packages org.apache.jena.vocabulary and org.apache.jena.vocabulary (such as OWL2).
The base implementation.
A helper-factory to produce (OWL2) EnhNodeFactory factories; for ont-personalities
A GraphRepository implementation that supports persistence via GraphMaker.
A standard personality mode to manage punnings.
RDFNodeList<E extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode>
A parameterized analogue of the Jena RDF []-List that provides read-only access to its items.
A helper-factory to produce (OWL1) EnhNodeFactory factories; for ont-personalities
ResourceVocabulary<T extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource>
This is a resource type mapper.
A class-helper to work with Jena Models and its related objects and components: Jena RDF Node, Jena Literal, Jena Resource and Jena Statement.
A helper-factory to produce (SWRL) EnhNodeFactory factories; for ont-personalities
Hierarchical graph.
An enhanced Jena Graph Event Manager and UnionGraph.Listeners.
An extended Jena Graph Event Manager, a holder for GraphListeners.
A container to hold all sub-graphs, that make up the hierarchy.
A factory wrapper.