Class OntIndividualImpl.NamedImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.jena.graph.FrontsNode, OntEntity, OntIndividual, OntIndividual.Named, OntObject, org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode, org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource
Enclosing class:

public static class OntIndividualImpl.NamedImpl extends OntIndividualImpl implements OntIndividual.Named
Represents a named individual. Note: it may not have OntObject.getMainStatement() statement.
  • Constructor Details

    • NamedImpl

      public NamedImpl(org.apache.jena.graph.Node n, org.apache.jena.enhanced.EnhGraph m)
  • Method Details

    • findRootStatement

      public Optional<OntStatement> findRootStatement()
      Description copied from class: OntObjectImpl
      Finds the first declaration root statement. The graph may contain several triples with predicate rdf:type and this ontology object as a subject. In this case, the result is unpredictable.
      findRootStatement in class OntObjectImpl
      Optional around OntStatement that supports plain annotation assertions
    • isBuiltIn

      public boolean isBuiltIn()
      Description copied from interface: OntEntity
      Determines if this is a builtin entity. In a standard (default) OWL2 vocabulary an entity is builtin if it is:
      • a class and its IRI is either owl:Thing or owl:Nothing
      • an object property and its IRI is either owl:topObjectProperty or owl:bottomObjectProperty
      • a data property and its IRI is either owl:topDataProperty or owl:bottomDataProperty
      • a datatype and its IRI is either rdfs:Literal, or rdf:PlainLiteral, or it is from the OWL 2 datatype map
      • an annotation property and its IRI is one of the following:
        • rdfs:label
        • rdfs:comment
        • rdfs:seeAlso
        • rdfs:isDefinedBy
        • owl:deprecated
        • owl:versionInfo
        • owl:priorVersion
        • owl:backwardCompatibleWith
        • owl:incompatibleWith
      Note: all the listed above IRIs refer to the default Builtins Vocabulary. A model with different Builtins vocabulary will naturally have a different Set of builtin IRIs, and this method will return a different result.
      Specified by:
      isBuiltIn in interface OntEntity
      true if it is a built-in entity
      See Also:
    • objectType

      public Class<? extends OntObject> objectType()
      Description copied from class: OntObjectImpl
      Gets a public ont-object type identifier.
      Specified by:
      objectType in interface OntObject
      objectType in class OntObjectImpl
      Class, the actual type of this object
    • detachClass

      public OntIndividualImpl.NamedImpl detachClass(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource clazz)
      Description copied from interface: OntIndividual
      Removes a class assertion statement for the given class. Like others methods #remove..(..) (see OntObject.remove(Property, RDFNode)), this operation does nothing in case no match found and in case null is specified it removes all class assertion statements including all their annotations. To delete the individual with its content the method OntModel.removeOntObject(OntObject) can be used.
      Specified by:
      detachClass in interface OntIndividual
      clazz - OntClass or null to remove all class assertions
      this instance to allow cascading calls
      See Also:
    • getModel

      OntModel getModel()
      Returns the ontology model associated with this resource. If the Resource was not created by a Model, the result may be null.
      Specified by:
      getModel in interface org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode
    • isLocal

      boolean isLocal()
      Determines if this Ontology Resource is locally defined. This means that the resource definition (i.e., a the root statement) belongs to the base ontology graph. If the ontology contains subgraphs (which should match owl:imports in OWL) and the resource is defined in one of them, than this method called from top-level interface will return false.
      true if this resource is local to the base model graph.
    • getAs

      default <X extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode> X getAs(Class<X> type)
      Safely converts this RDF resource to the given type interface, if it is possible. Otherwise, returns null. A calling of this method is effectively equivalent to the expression this.canAs(type) ? : null.
      Type Parameters:
      X - any subtype of RDFNode
      type - a Class-type of the desired RDF view (interface)
      an instance of the type X or null
      See Also:
      • RDFNode.canAs(Class)