Module org.apache.jena.arq
Package org.apache.jena.sparql.expr
package org.apache.jena.sparql.expr
ClassDescriptionDo any of FN_Adjust(date/time)ToTimezoneARQ extension to SPARQL which provides for dynamic function invocationSPARQL coalesce special form.IF(expr, expr, expr)SPARQL filter functionIRI(expr), one argument, SPARQL standard form.IRI(base, expr).SPARQL CONCATsCreate a literal from lexical form and datatype URICreate a literal from lexical form and language tagThis class is an alternative name for E_IRI.This class is an alternative name for E_IRI2.Group aggregation functions calculated a value during grouping and placed in the output binding.Visitor class to run over expressions and initialise themException for a dynamic evaluation exception.Exception for a dynamic evaluation exception due to wrong type.The root of all expression exceptionsA function in the expression hierarchy.An expression that is constant (does not depend on evaluating a sub expression).A function that has a single argumentA function of two argumentsA function of three argumentsA function which takes N arguments (N may be variable e.g. regex)A "function" that executes over a patternMarker, used in place of a null.An expression transformer that substitutes another expression in place of variablesRDF-star triple term in an expression (AKA quoted triple).Exception for a dynamic evaluation exception caused by a type mismatch.Exception for an undefined expression (including unbound variable)Exception for an undefined function.An expression that is a variable in an expression.Convert all visit calls on the expressions in a call to a generic visit operation for expression functionsEncapsulate a specific regular expression systems.Marker interface for a function that is "unstable".Value spaces.Exception for an undefined expression (including unbound variable)