All Classes and Interfaces

The elements making up
Visitor for NodeConstainComponents.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ShEx Compact syntax parser
Result of validation of a constraint.
The "satisfies" realtionship.
ShapeAtom - element of the ShEx abstract syntax.
A DOT expression -- "{ .
A shape expression that is always false.
Absence of a shape expression.
Shape expression that redirects.
A shape expression that is always true.
ShEx shape map used for both targeting validation and reporting violations.
A node constraint (nonLitNodeConstraint or litNodeConstraint) in a shape atom.
Shape Expressions : Compact syntax
Shape Expressions : JSON syntax
Token literal values and constants.
Token Manager.
Shape Expressions : RDF syntax
ShexShapeRecord is an entry in a ShapeMap used for both targeting shapes and reporting violations.
ShEx validation report.
Shex Schema - a collection of shapes.
A labelled ShEx shape.
Status in a ShexRecord recording whether the item passed validation or not.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Misc internal code
Describes the input token stream.
Token Manager Error.
Class to add cardinality to a bracketed TripleExpression.
Context for a validation and collector of the results.
Print in ShExC format