- All Implemented Interfaces:
A graph that stores triples in memory. This class is not thread-safe.
Purpose: GraphMem2Fast is a strong candidate for becoming the new default in-memory graph in the upcoming Jena 5, thanks to its improved performance and relatively minor increase in memory usage.
Faster than GraphMem2Legacy
(specially Graph#add, Graph#find and Graph#stream)
Removing triples is a bit slower than GraphMem2Legacy
Memory consumption is about 6-35% higher than GraphMem2Legacy
Maps and sets are based on FastHashBase
Benefits from multiple small optimizations. (see: FastTripleStore
The heritage of GraphMem:
- Also uses 3 hash-maps indexed by subjects, predicates, and objects
- Values of the maps also switch from arrays to hash sets for the triples
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.jena.graph.impl.GraphBase
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.jena.graph.Graph
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.mem2.GraphMem2
clear, destroy, getCapabilities, graphBaseContains, graphBaseFind, graphBaseSize, performAdd, performDelete, stream, stream
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.mem.GraphMemBase
close, openAgain
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.graph.impl.GraphBase
add, contains, contains, delete, dependsOn, find, find, forTestingOnly_graphBaseFind, getEventManager, getPrefixMapping, getTransactionHandler, isClosed, isEmpty, isIsomorphicWith, notifyAdd, notifyDelete, remove, size, toString, toString
Constructor Details
public GraphMem2Fast()
Method Details
Description copied from class:GraphMem2
Creates a copy of this graph. Since the triples and nodes are immutable, the copy contains the same triples and nodes as this graph. Modifications to the copy will not affect this graph.