GeoSPARQL Assembler

Details of the GeoSPARQL support are provided on the GeoSPARQL page.

The assembler for GeoSPARQL support is part of the jena-geosparql artifact and must be on the Fuseki server classpath, along with its dependencies.


or download the binary from the Maven central repository org/apache/jena/jena-geosparql

The GeoSPARQL assembler can be used in a Fuseki configuration file.

This example is of a read-only:

PREFIX fuseki:    <>
PREFIX rdf:       <>
PREFIX rdfs:      <>
PREFIX tdb2:      <>

PREFIX ja:        <>
PREFIX geosparql: <>

<#service> rdf:type fuseki:Service;
    fuseki:name "geo";
    fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:query; ] ;
    fuseki:dataset <#geo_ds> .

<#geo_ds> rdf:type geosparql:geosparqlDataset ;
    geosparql:spatialIndexFile     "DB/spatial.index";
    geosparql:dataset <#baseDataset> ;

<#baseDataset> rdf:type tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ;
    tdb2:location "DB/" ;

It is possible to run with a data file loaded into memory and a spatial in-memory index:

PREFIX fuseki:    <>
PREFIX rdf:       <>
PREFIX rdfs:      <>

PREFIX ja:        <>
PREFIX geosparql: <>

<#service> rdf:type fuseki:Service;
    fuseki:name "ds";
    fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:query; ] ;
    fuseki:dataset <#geo_ds> .

# In-memory data and index.

<#geo_ds> rdf:type geosparql:geosparqlDataset ;
    geosparql:dataset <#baseDataset> .

<#baseDataset> rdf:type ja:MemoryDataset ;
    ja:data <file:geosparql_data.ttl> ;

The full assembler properties with the default settings is:

<#geo_ds> rdf:type geosparql:GeosparqlDataset ;
    # Build in-memory is absent.
    geosparql:spatialIndexFile     "spatial.index";

    ## Default settings. See documentation for meanings.
    geosparql:inference            true ;
    geosparql:queryRewrite         true ;
    geosparql:indexEnabled         true ;
    geosparql:applyDefaultGeometry false ;
    # 3 item lists: [Geometry Literal, Geometry Transform, Query Rewrite]
    geosparql:indexSizes           "-1,-1,-1" ;       # Default - unlimited.
    geosparql:indexExpires         "5000,5000,5000" ; # Default - time in milliseconds.

    ## Required setting - data over which GeoSPARQL is applied.
    geosparql:dataset <#baseDataset> ;