All Classes and Interfaces

Process an "Authorization: Bearer" header.
Extension access to Fuseki disptch and execution.
Module interface for Fuseki with loading via ServiceLoader from mixin jars.
Control of FusekiAutoModule found via ServiceLoader.
Interface for extension code to modify the building of a FusekiServer.
Fuseki error handler (used with ServletAPI HttpServletResponse.sendError).
Actions on and about a FusekiServer
Fuseki command that runs a Fuseki server without the admin UI, just SPARQL services.
Module interface for Fuseki.
Call points for FusekiModule extensions
Fuseki server.
Interface for server starting and stopping.
Standalone request-response logger.
Jena initialization.
Library of functions to help with setting Jetty up with HTTPS.
Helpers for working with Jetty.
Jetty server for servlets, including being able to run Fuseki ActionBase derived servlets.
Simple error handler - always text/plain.
Run FusekiMain.