Interface FusekiBuildCycle

All Known Subinterfaces:
FusekiAutoModule, FusekiModule

public interface FusekiBuildCycle
Interface for extension code to modify the building of a FusekiServer.

When a server is being built:

  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
      Display name to identify this module.
    • prepare

      default void prepare(FusekiServer.Builder serverBuilder, Set<String> datasetNames, org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model configModel)
      Called at the start of "build" step. The builder has been set according to the configuration of API calls and parsing configuration files. No build actions have been carried out yet. The module can make further FusekiServer.FusekiServer.Builder calls. The "configModel" parameter is set if a configuration file was used otherwise it is null.

      This is the main point for customization of server.

      It can add and modify the data services being built, and also add servlets and servlet filters.

      serverBuilder - The FusekiServer.Builder
      datasetNames - The names of DataServices configured by API calls and configuration file.
      configModel -
    • configured

      default void configured(FusekiServer.Builder serverBuilder, org.apache.jena.fuseki.server.DataAccessPointRegistry dapRegistry, org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model configModel)
      Called after the DataAccessPointRegistry has been built.

      The default implementation is to call configDataAccessPoint(DataAccessPoint, Model) for each DataAccessPoint.

          dapRegistry.accessPoints().forEach(accessPoint->configDataAccessPoint(accessPoint, configModel));
    • configDataAccessPoint

      default void configDataAccessPoint(org.apache.jena.fuseki.server.DataAccessPoint dap, org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model configModel)
      This method is called for each DataAccessPoint by the default implementation of configured(org.apache.jena.fuseki.main.FusekiServer.Builder, org.apache.jena.fuseki.server.DataAccessPointRegistry, org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model) after the new servers DataAccessPointRegistry has been built.
    • server

      default void server(FusekiServer server)
      Called when the server is built at the point where it is returned from the Fuseki server builder. The server has not yet been started.
    • serverConfirmReload

      default boolean serverConfirmReload(FusekiServer server)
      Confirm or reject a request to reload.

      Not all servers or server modules may be able to reload. This is reload of a live server that continued to execute while reload happens and which completes all outstanding requests at the time of the reload request.

      Return true if reload is possible. If all modules return true the reload continues and serverReload(org.apache.jena.fuseki.main.FusekiServer) will be called. If any module returns false, the reload is not performed.

    • serverReload

      default void serverReload(FusekiServer server)
      A running server has been asked to reload its configuration.

      Certain server feature will not change.

      • http and https connectiosn are preserved.
      • Port number
      • JVM process