
public class FusekiMain extends arq.cmdline.CmdARQ
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static int
    Default HTTPS port when running from the command line.
    static int
    Default HTTP port when running from the command line.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    addArgModule(org.apache.jena.cmd.ArgModuleGeneral argModule)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    static void
    Registers a CLI customiser
    static void
    Registers CLI customisers.
    build(String... args)
    Build, but do not start, a server based on command line syntax.
    builder(String... args)
    Create a FusekiServer.Builder which has been setup according to the command line arguments.
    static void
    Resets any previously registered CLI customisers
    static void
    run(String... argv)
    Create a server and run, within the same JVM.

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.cmd.CmdGeneral

    add, addModule, getUsage, printHelp, usage, usage

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.cmd.CmdArgModule


    Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.cmd.CmdMain

    cmdError, cmdError, mainAndExit, mainRun, mainRun, mainRun

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.cmd.CmdLineArgs

    add, add, add, addArg, addArg, addPositional, clear, contains, contains, containsMultiple, containsMultiple, getArg, getArg, getNumPositional, getPositional, getPositionalArg, getPositionalOrStdin, getValue, getValue, getValues, getValues, hasArg, hasArg, hasArgs, hasPositional, hasValueOfFalse, hasValueOfTrue, indirect, indirect, matchesIndirect, matchesIndirect, removeArg, removeArg, removeArgAll, reset, toString

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.jena.cmd.CommandLineBase


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • defaultPort

      public static int defaultPort
      Default HTTP port when running from the command line.
    • defaultHttpsPort

      public static int defaultHttpsPort
      Default HTTPS port when running from the command line.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static FusekiServer.Builder builder(String... args)
      Create a FusekiServer.Builder which has been setup according to the command line arguments. The builder can be further modified.
    • build

      public static FusekiServer build(String... args)
      Build, but do not start, a server based on command line syntax.
    • run

      public static void run(String... argv)
      Create a server and run, within the same JVM. This is the command line entry point. This function does not return. See also build(java.lang.String...) to create and return a server.
    • addArgModule

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static void addArgModule(org.apache.jena.cmd.ArgModuleGeneral argModule)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Registers a custom arguments module.
    • addCustomiser

      public static void addCustomiser(FusekiServerArgsCustomiser customiser)
      Registers a CLI customiser

      A CLI customiser can add one/more custom arguments into the Fuseki Server CLI arguments and then can apply those to the Fuseki server being built during the processing of processModulesAndArgs(). This allows for custom arguments that directly affect how the Fuseki server is built to be created.

      customiser - CLI customiser
    • addCustomisers

      public static void addCustomisers(FusekiModules customiserSet)
      Registers CLI customisers.

      CLI customisers can add one/more custom arguments into the Fuseki Server CLI arguments and then can apply those to the Fuseki server being built during the processing of processModulesAndArgs(). This allows for custom arguments that directly affect how the Fuseki server is built to be created.

      See Also:
    • resetCustomisers

      public static void resetCustomisers()
      Resets any previously registered CLI customisers