Class NullWriter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NullWriter extends Object implements WriterDatasetRIOT
Null writer for datasets.

A sink for writer output.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getLang

      public Lang getLang()
      Specified by:
      getLang in interface WriterDatasetRIOT
    • write

      public void write(OutputStream out, DatasetGraph datasetGraph, PrefixMap prefixMap, String baseURI, Context context)
      Specified by:
      write in interface WriterDatasetRIOT
      out - OutputStream
      datasetGraph - DatasetGraph to be written
      prefixMap - PrefixMap - maybe null (default should be to use the prefix mapping from the Graph)
      baseURI - base URI - may be null for "none"
      context - Context (see specific implementation for details)
    • write

      public void write(Writer out, DatasetGraph datasetGraph, PrefixMap prefixMap, String baseURI, Context context)
      Description copied from interface: WriterDatasetRIOT
      Use of Writer is discouraged - let the serializer manage character sets in accordance with the format
      Specified by:
      write in interface WriterDatasetRIOT
      out - Writer
      datasetGraph - DatasetGraph to be written
      prefixMap - PrefixMap - maybe null (default should be to use the prefix mapping from the Graph)
      baseURI - base URI - may be null for "none"
      context - Context (see specific implementation for details)