Class Context


public class Context extends Object
A class for setting and keeping named values. Used to pass implementation-specific parameters across general interfaces.
  • Constructor Details

    • Context

      public Context()
      Create an empty context
  • Method Details

    • emptyContext

      public static final Context emptyContext()
      Empty, immutable context
    • create

      public static Context create()
      Create an empty context
    • copy

      public Context copy()
      Return a copy of this context. Modifications of the copy do not affect the original context.
    • get

      public <T> T get(Symbol property)
      Get the object value of a property or null
    • get

      public <T> T get(Symbol property, T defaultValue)
      Get the object value of a property - return the default value if not present .
    • put

      public void put(Symbol property, Object value)
      Store a named value - overwrites any previous set value.
    • set

      public Context set(Symbol property, Object value)
      Store a named value - overwrites any previous set value. Returns "this".
    • set

      public Context set(Symbol property, boolean value)
      Store a named value - overwrites any previous set value. Returns "this".
    • setIfUndef

      public Context setIfUndef(Symbol property, Object value)
      Store a named value only if it is not currently set. Returns "this".
    • setTrue

      public Context setTrue(Symbol property)
      Set property value to be true. Returns "this".
    • setFalse

      public Context setFalse(Symbol property)
      Set property value to be false. Returns "this".
    • setAll

      public Context setAll(Context other)
    • putAll

      public void putAll(Context other)
    • remove

      public void remove(Symbol property)
      Remove any value associated with a property
    • unset

      public Context unset(Symbol property)
      Remove any value associated with a property. Returns "this".
    • isDefined

      public boolean isDefined(Symbol property)
      Is a property set?
    • isUndef

      public boolean isUndef(Symbol property)
      Is a property not set?
    • getAsString

      public String getAsString(Symbol property, String defaultValue)
      Get the value a string (uses .toString() if the value is not null) - supply a default string value
    • getAsString

      public String getAsString(Symbol property)
      Get the value a string (uses .toString() if the value is not null)
    • getInt

      public int getInt(Symbol symbol, int defaultValue)
      Get the value as a long value. The context entry can be a string, Integer or Long.
    • getLong

      public long getLong(Symbol symbol, long defaultValue)
      Get the value as a long value. The context entry can be a string, Integer or Long.
    • isTrue

      public boolean isTrue(Symbol property)
      Is the value 'true' (either set to the string "true" or Boolean.TRUE)
    • isTrueOrUndef

      public boolean isTrueOrUndef(Symbol property)
      Is the value 'true' (either set to the string "true" or Boolean.TRUE) or undefined?
    • isFalse

      public boolean isFalse(Symbol property)
      Is the value 'false' (either set to the string "false" or Boolean.FALSE)
    • isFalseOrUndef

      public boolean isFalseOrUndef(Symbol property)
      Is the value 'false' (either set to the string "false" or Boolean.FALSE) or undefined
    • getTrueOrFalse

      public Boolean getTrueOrFalse(Symbol property)
      Is the value true or false, either as a Boolean or a string. If undefined, return null. Exception if not a boolean or a string.
    • hasValue

      public boolean hasValue(Symbol property, Object value)
      Test whether a named value is a specific value (.equals)
    • hasValueAsString

      public boolean hasValueAsString(Symbol property, String value)
      Test whether a named value (as a string) has a specific string form
    • hasValueAsString

      public boolean hasValueAsString(Symbol property, String value, boolean ignoreCase)
      Test whether a named value (as a string) has a specific string form - can ignore case
    • keys

      public Set<Symbol> keys()
      Set of properties (as Symbols) currently defined
    • size

      public int size()
      Return the number of context items
    • clear

      public void clear()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • fromDataset

      public static Context fromDataset(DatasetGraph dataset)
      Return the context of the dataset (not copied); if the dataset is null, return null
    • setupContextForDataset

      public static Context setupContextForDataset(Context globalContext, DatasetGraph dataset)
      Setup a context using another context and a dataset.
    • setCurrentDateTime

      public static void setCurrentDateTime(Context context)
    • getCancelSignal

      public static AtomicBoolean getCancelSignal(Context context)
    • getOrSetCancelSignal

      public static AtomicBoolean getOrSetCancelSignal(Context context)
    • mergeCopy

      public static Context mergeCopy(Context contextGlobal, Context contextLocal)
      Merge an outer (defaults to the system global context) and local context to produce a new context The new context is always a separate copy.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object