Class ARPHandlers


public class ARPHandlers extends Object
The interface to set the various handlers on ARP. User defined implementations of this interface are not supported. This is a class rather than an interface to have better backward compatibility with earlier versions, however constructing instances of this class is deprecated.
  • Method Details

    • createNewHandlers

      public static ARPHandlers createNewHandlers()
      Internal use only
    • setExtendedHandler

      public ExtendedHandler setExtendedHandler(ExtendedHandler sh)
      Sets the ExtendedHandler that provides the callback mechanism for bnodes as they leave scope, and for the start and end of rdf:RDF elements.

      See note about large files in ARP class documentation.

      sh - The handler to use.
      The old handler.
    • setNamespaceHandler

      public NamespaceHandler setNamespaceHandler(NamespaceHandler sh)
      Sets the NamespaceHandler that provides the callback mechanism for XML namespace declarations.
      sh - The handler to use.
      The old handler.
    • setStatementHandler

      public StatementHandler setStatementHandler(StatementHandler sh)
      Sets the StatementHandler that provides the callback mechanism for each triple in the file.
      sh - The statement handler to use.
      The old statement handler.
    • setErrorHandler

      public ErrorHandler setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh)
      Sets the error handler, for both XML and RDF parse errors. XML errors are reported by Xerces, as instances of SAXParseException; the RDF errors are reported from ARP as instances of ParseException. Code that needs to distingusih between them may look like:
          void error( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException {
            if ( e instanceof com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ParseException ) {
            } else {

      See the ARP documentation for ErrorHandler for details of the ErrorHandler semantics (in particular how to upgrade a warning to an error, and an error to a.errorError).

      The Xerces/SAX documentation for ErrorHandler is available on the web.

      eh - The error handler to use.
      The previous error handler.
    • getErrorHandler

      public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
      Gets the current error handler.
    • getNamespaceHandler

      public NamespaceHandler getNamespaceHandler()
      Gets the current namespace handler.
    • getExtendedHandler

      public ExtendedHandler getExtendedHandler()
      Gets the current extended handler.
    • getStatementHandler

      public StatementHandler getStatementHandler()
      Gets the current statement handler.