Interface Profile

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProfile, OWLDLProfile, OWLLiteProfile, OWLProfile, RDFSProfile

public interface Profile

Interface that encapsulates the elements of a general vocabulary corresponding to a particular ontology language. The intent is that, using a given vocabulary, a given RDF model can be processed as an ontology description, without binding knowledge of the vocabulary into this Java package. For tractability, this limits the vocabularies that can easily be represented to those that are similar to OWL and DAML+OIL.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Answer the resource that represents the class of axioms denoting that a set of individuals are pairwise distinct.
    Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have only values from the given class expression.
    Answer the class that denotes an annotation property
    Answer the predicate that documents that one ontology resource is backwards compatible with another.
    Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have exactly a certain number of values
    Answer the predicate that denotes a qualified restriction on a given property to have exactly a certain number of values
    Answer the resource that represents the class 'class' in this vocabulary.
    Answer the predicate that denotes comment annotation on an ontology element
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one class comprises the individuals that are not in a second class.
    Answer the class that defines a closed range of concrete data values.
    Answer the resource that represents the class of properties whose range elements are literals (not individuals)
    Answer the resource that represents the documentation class of deprecated classes.
    Answer the resource that represents the documentation class of deprecated properties.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one resource represents a different individual than another resource.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one class has no individuals in its extension in common with another class.
    Answer the predicate that maps from an ALL_DIFFERENT() axiom to the set of individuals that are pair-wise different from each other.
    Answer the predicate that denotes the domain of a property.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one class has the same extension as another.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one property has the same property extension as another.
    The property that denotes the head of a list
    Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are functional, i.e. whose range is unique for a given domain element.
    Answer an alias for the given resource.
    Answer an iterator over the properties in this language that are denoted annotation properties.
    Answer an iterator over the rdf:types in this language that denote stand-alone axioms.
    Answer an iterator over the various types of class description defined in the language.
    Answer a descriptive string for this profile, for use in debugging and other output.
    Answer the predicate that denotes a the class in a qualified restriction.
    Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have a given value.
    Answer true if the given resource has an alias in this profile.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one ontology document imports another.
    Answer the predicate that documents that one ontology resource is not backwards compatible with another.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one class is formed from the intersection (conjunction) of a set of others.
    Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are inverse functional, i.e. whose domain is unique for a given range element.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one property is the inverse of another
    Answer the predicate that denotes isDefinedBy annotation on an ontology element
    <T> boolean
    isSupported(Node n, EnhGraph g, Class<T> type)
    Answer true if the given graph supports a view of this node as the given language element, according to the semantic constraints of the profile.
    Answer the predicate that denotes label annotation on an ontology element
    The rdf:type for cells in this list
    Answer an iterator over the defined aliases for a resource.
    Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have at most a certain number of values
    Answer the predicate that denotes a qualified restriction on a given property to have at most a certain number of values
    Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have at least a certain number of values
    Answer the predicate that denotes a qualified restriction on a given property to have at least a certain number of values
    Answer the string that is the namespace prefix for this vocabulary
    The resource that denotes the end of the list
    Answer the resource that represents the necessarily empty class.
    Answer the resource that represents the class of properties whose range elements are individuals (not literals)
    Answer the predicate that maps from a RESTRICTION() to a property that it is a restriction on.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that a class comprises exactly one of a given closed set individuals.
    Answer the resource that represents the class of ontology header elements.
    Answer the class that denotes an ontology property
    Answer the predicate that documents that one ontology is a prior version of another.
    Answer the resource that represents the general class of properties.
    Answer the predicate that denotes the range of a property
    The property that denotes the tail of a list
    Answer the resource that represents the a class formed by placing constraints (restrictions) on the values of a property.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one resource represents the same ontology object as another.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one resource represents the same individual as another.
    Answer the predicate that denotes seeAlso annotation on an ontology element
    Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have at least one value from the given class expression.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one class is a sub-class of another.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one property is a sub-property of another.
    Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are symmetric.
    Answer the resource that represents the class all individuals.
    Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that apply transitively.
    Answer the predicate that denotes that one class is formed from the union (disjunction) of a set of others.
    Answer the predicate that denotes version-info metadata on an ontology header
  • Method Details


      String NAMESPACE()

      Answer the string that is the namespace prefix for this vocabulary

      The namespace prefix, for example
    • CLASS

      Resource CLASS()

      Answer the resource that represents the class 'class' in this vocabulary.

      The resource that represents the concept of a class

      Resource RESTRICTION()

      Answer the resource that represents the a class formed by placing constraints (restrictions) on the values of a property.

      The resource that represents the concept of a restriction
    • THING

      Resource THING()

      Answer the resource that represents the class all individuals.

      The resource that represents the concept of the top class

      Resource NOTHING()

      Answer the resource that represents the necessarily empty class.

      The resource that represents the concept the bottom class.

      Resource PROPERTY()

      Answer the resource that represents the general class of properties. This will typically be rdf:Property.

      The resource that represents the concept of a property.

      Resource OBJECT_PROPERTY()

      Answer the resource that represents the class of properties whose range elements are individuals (not literals)

      The resource that represents the concept of an object (individual) property.

      Resource DATATYPE_PROPERTY()

      Answer the resource that represents the class of properties whose range elements are literals (not individuals)

      The resource that represents the concept of an object (individual) property.


      Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that apply transitively.

      The resource that represents the concept of a transitive property.


      Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are symmetric.

      The resource that represents the concept of a symmetric property.


      Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are functional, i.e. whose range is unique for a given domain element.

      The resource that represents the concept of a functional property.


      Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are inverse functional, i.e. whose domain is unique for a given range element.

      The resource that represents the concept of an inverse functional property.

      Resource ALL_DIFFERENT()

      Answer the resource that represents the class of axioms denoting that a set of individuals are pairwise distinct.

      The resource that represents the concept of an all-different axiom.

      Resource ONTOLOGY()

      Answer the resource that represents the class of ontology header elements. Individuals of this class typically associate meta-data about an ontology document with the classes and properties in the document.

      The resource that represents the concept of an ontology header element.

      Resource DEPRECATED_CLASS()

      Answer the resource that represents the documentation class of deprecated classes. Belonging to this class is a hint to developers that a given class has been superceded in a later revision of the ontology.

      The resource that represents the concept of a deprecated class.


      Answer the resource that represents the documentation class of deprecated properties. Belonging to this class is a hint to developers that a given property has been superceded in a later revision of the ontology.

      The resource that represents the concept of a deprecated property.


      Answer the class that denotes an annotation property

      The AnnotationProperty class

      Resource ONTOLOGY_PROPERTY()

      Answer the class that denotes an ontology property

      The OntologyProperty class

      Resource DATARANGE()

      Answer the class that defines a closed range of concrete data values.

      The DataRange class


      Answer the predicate that denotes that one property has the same property extension as another.

      The property that denotes equivalence between two property resources.

      Property EQUIVALENT_CLASS()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one class has the same extension as another.

      The property that denotes equivalence between two class expressions.

      Property DISJOINT_WITH()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one class has no individuals in its extension in common with another class.

      The property that denotes disjointness between two class expressions.

      Property SAME_INDIVIDUAL_AS()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one resource represents the same individual as another.

      The property that denotes equivalence between two resources denoting individuals.
    • SAME_AS

      Property SAME_AS()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one resource represents the same ontology object as another.

      The property that denotes equivalence between two resources.

      Property DIFFERENT_FROM()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one resource represents a different individual than another resource.

      The property that denotes distinctness between two individuals.

      Property DISTINCT_MEMBERS()

      Answer the predicate that maps from an ALL_DIFFERENT() axiom to the set of individuals that are pair-wise different from each other.

      The property that introduces a list of individuals that are distinct.
    • UNION_OF

      Property UNION_OF()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one class is formed from the union (disjunction) of a set of others.

      The property that denotes a class defined by a union of class expressions.

      Property INTERSECTION_OF()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one class is formed from the intersection (conjunction) of a set of others.

      The property that denotes a class defined by an intersection of class expressions.

      Property COMPLEMENT_OF()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one class comprises the individuals that are not in a second class.

      The property that denotes a class defined by the complement of a class expression.
    • ONE_OF

      Property ONE_OF()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that a class comprises exactly one of a given closed set individuals.

      The property that denotes a class defined its members being one of a give set.

      Property ON_PROPERTY()

      Answer the predicate that maps from a RESTRICTION() to a property that it is a restriction on.

      The property that denotes a property that a restriction applies to.

      Property ALL_VALUES_FROM()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have only values from the given class expression.

      The property that denotes a local property range restriction.

      Property HAS_VALUE()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have a given value.

      The property that denotes a local property value restriction.

      Property SOME_VALUES_FROM()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have at least one value from the given class expression.

      The property that denotes a local property range restriction.

      Property MIN_CARDINALITY()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have at least a certain number of values

      The property that denotes a local property cardinality lower bound.

      Property MAX_CARDINALITY()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have at most a certain number of values

      The property that denotes a local property cardinality upper bound.

      Property CARDINALITY()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a restriction on a given property to have exactly a certain number of values

      The property that denotes a local property cardinality.

      Property MIN_CARDINALITY_Q()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a qualified restriction on a given property to have at least a certain number of values

      The property that denotes a local property cardinality lower bound.

      Property MAX_CARDINALITY_Q()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a qualified restriction on a given property to have at most a certain number of values

      The property that denotes a local property cardinality upper bound.

      Property CARDINALITY_Q()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a qualified restriction on a given property to have exactly a certain number of values

      The property that denotes a local property cardinality.

      Property HAS_CLASS_Q()

      Answer the predicate that denotes a the class in a qualified restriction.

      The property that denotes the class of all values in a qualified restriction.

      Property INVERSE_OF()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one property is the inverse of another

      The property that denotes the inverse relationship between properties

      Property IMPORTS()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one ontology document imports another.

      The property that denotes ontology importing.

      Property VERSION_INFO()

      Answer the predicate that denotes version-info metadata on an ontology header

      The property that denotes ontology version information.

      Property PRIOR_VERSION()

      Answer the predicate that documents that one ontology is a prior version of another.

      The property that denotes ontology versioning


      Answer the predicate that documents that one ontology resource is backwards compatible with another.

      The property that denotes ontology element backwards compatability.

      Property INCOMPATIBLE_WITH()

      Answer the predicate that documents that one ontology resource is not backwards compatible with another.

      The property that denotes ontology element backwards incompatability.

      Property SUB_CLASS_OF()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one class is a sub-class of another.

      The property that the sub-class relationship.

      Property SUB_PROPERTY_OF()

      Answer the predicate that denotes that one property is a sub-property of another.

      The property that denotes the sub-property relationship.
    • DOMAIN

      Property DOMAIN()

      Answer the predicate that denotes the domain of a property.

      The property that denotes a property domain
    • RANGE

      Property RANGE()

      Answer the predicate that denotes the range of a property

      The property that denotes the property range
    • LABEL

      Property LABEL()

      Answer the predicate that denotes label annotation on an ontology element

      The property that denotes the label annotation

      Property COMMENT()

      Answer the predicate that denotes comment annotation on an ontology element

      The property that denotes the comment annotation
    • SEE_ALSO

      Property SEE_ALSO()

      Answer the predicate that denotes seeAlso annotation on an ontology element

      The property that denotes the seeAlso annotation

      Property IS_DEFINED_BY()

      Answer the predicate that denotes isDefinedBy annotation on an ontology element

      The property that denotes the isDefiendBy annotation
    • FIRST

      Property FIRST()

      The property that denotes the head of a list

      The property that maps from a cell in a list to its value
    • REST

      Property REST()

      The property that denotes the tail of a list

      The property that maps from a cell in a list to the remainder of the list
    • LIST

      Resource LIST()

      The rdf:type for cells in this list

      The list rdf:type resource
    • NIL

      Resource NIL()

      The resource that denotes the end of the list

    • getAxiomTypes

      Iterator<Resource> getAxiomTypes()

      Answer an iterator over the rdf:types in this language that denote stand-alone axioms.

      An iterator over axiom types.
    • getAnnotationProperties

      Iterator<Resource> getAnnotationProperties()

      Answer an iterator over the properties in this language that are denoted annotation properties. Not all languages have distinguished annotation properties.

      An iterator over annotation properties.
    • getClassDescriptionTypes

      Iterator<Resource> getClassDescriptionTypes()

      Answer an iterator over the various types of class description defined in the language.

      An iterator over the various rdf:types of class descriptions.
    • hasAliasFor

      boolean hasAliasFor(Resource res)

      Answer true if the given resource has an alias in this profile.

      res - A resource (including properties) to test for an alias
      True if there is an alias for res
    • getAliasFor

      Resource getAliasFor(Resource res)

      Answer an alias for the given resource. If there is more than one such alias, a choice is made non-deterministically between the alternatives.

      res - A resource (including properties) to test for an alias
      The alias for res, or one of the aliases for res if more than one is defined, or null if no alias is defined for res.
    • listAliasesFor

      Iterator<Resource> listAliasesFor(Resource res)

      Answer an iterator over the defined aliases for a resource.

      res - A resource (including properties)
      An iterator over the aliases for res. If there are no aliases, the empty iterator is returned.
    • isSupported

      <T> boolean isSupported(Node n, EnhGraph g, Class<T> type)

      Answer true if the given graph supports a view of this node as the given language element, according to the semantic constraints of the profile. If strict checking on the ontology model is turned off, this check is skipped.

      n - A node to test
      g - The enhanced graph containing n, which is assumed to be an OntModel.
      type - A class indicating the facet that we are testing against.
      True if strict checking is off, or if n can be viewed according to the facet resource res
    • getLabel

      String getLabel()

      Answer a descriptive string for this profile, for use in debugging and other output.