Interface NodeToTriplesMap

All Superinterfaces:
JenaMapSetCommon<Triple>, JenaSet<Triple>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NodeToTriplesMap extends JenaSet<Triple>
A map from a node to the triples that have that node as subject, predicate or object.
  • Method Details

    • iteratorForMatches

      ExtendedIterator<Triple> iteratorForMatches(Node index, Node n2, Node n3)
      Answer an iterator over all the triples in this map that match the pattern.
      index - The node to match as key.
      n2 - A node to match, or Node.ANY.
      n3 - A node to match, or Node.ANY.
      An iterator over all the triples in this map that match the pattern.
    • streamForMatches

      Stream<Triple> streamForMatches(Node index, Node n2, Node n3)
      Answer a stream over all the triples in this map that match the pattern.
      index - The node to match as key.
      n2 - A node to match, or Node.ANY.
      n3 - A node to match, or Node.ANY.
      A stream over all the triples in this map that match the pattern.
    • containsMatch

      boolean containsMatch(Node index, Node n2, Node n3)
      Answer true iff this map contains a triple that matches the pattern.
      index - The node to match as key.
      n2 - A node to match, or Node.ANY.
      n3 - A node to match, or Node.ANY.
      True iff this map contains a triple that matches the pattern.
    • copy

      Create a copy of this map. The new map will contain all the same nodes as keys of this map, but copies of the bunches as values.
      an independent copy of this map