Package org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.impl

package org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.impl

Provides implementations of the XSD datatype. These implementations are currently just thin wrappers onto a set of internal classes defined by Xerces. This does make Jena reliant on the Xerces version and alternative implementations may be explored in the future.

  • Classes
    rdf:dirLangString - a literal with language and initial text direction.
    rdf:dirLangString - a literal with language and initial text direction.
    Base class for all date/time/duration type representations.
    Base implementation for all numeric datatypes derived from xsd:decimal.
    Base implementation for all string datatypes derived from xsd:string.
    Datatype template used to define XSD int types
    Type processor for dateTime, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.
    Type processor for date, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.
    Type processor for gDay, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.
    Datatype representation for xsd:float.
    The XSD duration type, the only job of this extra layer is to wrap the return value in a more convenient accessor type.
    Datatype representation for xsd:float.
    Type processor for gMonthDay, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.
    Type processor for gMonth, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.
    A datatype that does not use the Xerces machinery for isEqual, yet is still an XSDDatatype.
    Type processor for time, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.
    Type processor for gYearMonth, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.
    Type processor for year, most of the machinery is in the base XSDAbstractDateTimeType class.