All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionLifecycle, ActionProcessor

public class UploadRDF extends ActionREST
Upload files to a server.


  • HTTP body + content type (c.f. GSP-RW write to a dataset)
  • HTML file input upload (multipart/form-data)
Using HTTP body + content type is preferred.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UploadRDF

      public UploadRDF()
  • Method Details

    • validate

      public void validate(HttpAction action)
      Description copied from interface: ActionLifecycle
      The validation step of a request
    • doOptions

      public void doOptions(HttpAction action)
    • quadsPutPostTxn

      public static UploadDetails quadsPutPostTxn(HttpAction action, boolean replaceOperation)
      Load data using a transaction into the dataset of an action. if the data is bad, abort the transaction.
    • quadsPutPostTxn

      public static UploadDetails quadsPutPostTxn(HttpAction action, Function<HttpAction,org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph> decideDataset, boolean replaceOperation)
      Load data using a transaction into the dataset of an action. if the data is bad, abort the transaction.

      Delayed choice of dataset via a function so that the decision is made inside the transaction.

    • quadsPutPostNonTxn

      public static UploadDetails quadsPutPostNonTxn(HttpAction action, boolean replaceOperation)
      Load data, without assuming the dataset of an action is transactional - specifically, whether it supports "abort". This requires loading the data into a temporary dataset, which means we check the data is legal RDF, then copying it into the finally destination.
    • quadsPutPostNonTxn

      public static UploadDetails quadsPutPostNonTxn(HttpAction action, Function<HttpAction,org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph> decideDataset, boolean replaceOperation)
      Load data, without assuming the dataset of an action is transactional - specifically, whether it supports "abort". This requires loading the data into a temporary dataset, which means we check the data is legal RDF, then copying it into the finally destination.

      Delayed choice of dataset via a function so that the decision is made inside the transaction updating the data.