Class DataAccessPointRegistry


public class DataAccessPointRegistry extends org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Registry<String,DataAccessPoint>
Registry of (dataset name, DataAccessPoint). In addition, registered DataAccessPoint are added to the metrics.
  • Constructor Details

    • DataAccessPointRegistry

      public DataAccessPointRegistry()
    • DataAccessPointRegistry

      public DataAccessPointRegistry(DataAccessPointRegistry other)
  • Method Details

    • register

      public void register(DataAccessPoint accessPt)
    • accessPoints

      public List<DataAccessPoint> accessPoints()
      Collection of the DataAccessPoints. This is a new list generated from the registry contents and not still connected to the registry. Registry changes will not interfere with iteration over the list. DataAccessPoints can not be registered twice under different names (the same dataset can be via different DataAccessPoints so the list has no duplicates. There is no defined order to the list.
    • get

      public DataAccessPoint get(String key)
      get in class org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Registry<String,DataAccessPoint>
    • print

      public void print()
    • print

      public void print(String string)
    • get

      public static DataAccessPointRegistry get(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext cxt)
      The server DataAccessPointRegistry is held in the ServletContext.

      Reload may change this object for another one. Therefore, code should obtain the DataAccessPointRegistry once per operation.

      Each request, has a stable HttpAction.getDataAccessPointRegistry().

      Getting the DataAccessPointRegistry is atomic.

    • set

      public static void set(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext cxt, DataAccessPointRegistry registry)
      Set or change the DataAccessPointRegistry. This is atomic. (In Jetty, it is backed by a ConcurrentHashMap).