Type Parameters:
T - The Builder type that the clause is part of.
All Known Implementing Classes:
DescribeBuilder, SelectBuilder

public interface SelectClause<T extends AbstractQueryBuilder<T>>
Interface that defines the SelectClause as per http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-sparql11-query-20130321/#rSelectClause
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Adds a variable to the select clause.
    addVar(String expr, Object var)
    Adds an expression as variable to the select statement.
    addVar(org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr expr, Object var)
    Adds an expression as variable to the select statement.
    Returns the select handler for this clause
  • Method Details

    • getSelectHandler

      SelectHandler getSelectHandler()
      Returns the select handler for this clause
      The SelectHandler that the clause is using
    • addVar

      T addVar(Object var)
      Adds a variable to the select clause. A variable may only be added once. Attempting to add the same variable multiple times will be silently ignored.
      var - The variable to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addVar

      T addVar(org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr expr, Object var)
      Adds an expression as variable to the select statement. Creates an '(Expression as Var)' to the select statement. A variable may only be added once. Attempting to add the same variable multiple times will be silently ignored.
      expr - The expression to be added
      var - The variable to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addVar

      T addVar(String expr, Object var)
      Adds an expression as variable to the select statement. Creates an '(Expression as Var)' to the select statement. A variable may only be added once. Attempting to add the same variable multiple times will be silently ignored.
      expr - The expression to be added
      var - The variable to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getVars

      List<org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var> getVars()
      A list of all the variables that have been added.