Class PFuncListAndList

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class PFuncListAndList extends PropertyFunctionEval
The case of:
  • subject is a list
  • object is a list
  • call the implementation with one binding at a time
  • Method Details

    • execEvaluated

      public abstract QueryIterator execEvaluated(Binding binding, PropFuncArg subject, org.apache.jena.graph.Node predicate, PropFuncArg object, ExecutionContext execCxt)
      Specified by:
      execEvaluated in class PropertyFunctionEval
      binding - Current solution from previous query stage
      subject - List in subject slot, after substitution of any bound variables in this binding
      predicate - This predicate
      object - List in object slot, after substitution of any bound variables in this binding
      execCxt - Execution context