Module org.apache.jena.arq
Package org.apache.jena.sparql.exec
package org.apache.jena.sparql.exec
ClassDescriptionARQ supports an extension query type:Query execution interface working at the Graph-Node-Triple level.
that delays making the QueryExec until needed by a query operation This means timeouts and initialBinding can still be set via theQueryExecMod
.The common elements of aQueryExec
builder.QueryExecBuilder view over a QueryExecutionBuilderAll the SPARQL query result forms at the graph-level.Query execution for local datasets - builder style.Aspects of a building aQueryExec
that can be changed before use.This class is for the outcome ofQueryExec
.QueryExecution for a QueryExec working at the Graph-Node-Triple level.Query Execution for local datasets - builder style.Query execution that delays making the QueryExecution until needed by execA row set held in-memory which is rewindable and peekableRowSetOps - Convenience ways to call the various output formatters.UpdateExecBuilder view over an UpdateExecutionBuilder