Package org.apache.jena.permissions

package org.apache.jena.permissions
JenaSecurity is a SecurityEvaluator interface and a set of dynamic proxies that apply that interface to Jena Graphs, Models, and associated methods and classes.

The SecurityEvaluator class must be implemented. This class provides the interface to the authentication results (e.g. getPrincipal()) and the authorization system.

  • Create a SecuredGraph by calling Factory.getInstance( SecurityEvaluator, String, Graph );
  • Create a SecuredModel by calling Factory.getInstance( SecurityEvaluator, String, Model )
  • It is not recommended that you create a model by calling the Jena ModelFactory.createModelForGraph( SecuredGraph ) See Overview for discussion.


  • See SecurityEvaluator documentation for description of cascading security checks
  • Secured methods are annotated with: \@sec.graph for permissions required on the graph to execute the method. \@sec.triple for permissions required on the associated triples (if any) to execute the method.
  • It is possible to implement a SecurityEvaluator that does not enforce security at the triple level. See SecurityEvaluator documentation for details