All Classes and Interfaces
A SecurityEvaluator that can be cached for later use.
A Predicate that filters out all predicates that do not start with '_'
followed by an integer.
An example evaluator that only provides access to messages in the graph that
are from or to the principal.
The factory that can be used to create an instance of a SecuredGraph or a
A class that holds the original item and the secured version of it.
This class rewrites the query by examining each operation in the algebra
returned by the Jena SPARQL parser.
A filter for to filter ExtendedIterators on Statements.
A filter for to filter ExtendedIterators on Triples.
An iterator on the elements of an RDFList.
RDFListSecFilter<T extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFList>
An RDF List security filter.
An example of a security evaluator that creates read-only graphs and models.
The interface for secured Alt instances.
Implementation of SecuredAlt to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
Assembler for a secured model.
The interface for secured Bag instances.
Implementation of SecuredBag to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The interface for secured Capabilities instances.
The interface for secured Container instances.
Implementation of SecuredContainer to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The interface for secured Graph instances.
Since we sit between the graph and other items we have to determine when the
message is first seen and send it to the underlying graph if necessary.
Implementation of SecuredGraph to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The secured item interface is mixed into instances of secured objects by the
Utilities for SecuredItem implementations.
An abstract implementation of SecuredItem that caches security checks.
A generic InvocationHandler that handles the general invocation of the
security methods.
The interface for secured Literal instances.
Implementation of SecuredLiteral to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The interface for secured Model instances.
Implementation of SecuredModel to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
SecuredNodeIterator<T extends org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode>
A secured RDFNode iterator implementation
The interface for secured PrefixMapping instances.
Implementation of SecuredPrefixMapping to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker
The interface for secured Property instances.
Implementation of SecuredProperty to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The interface for secured RDFNode instances.
Implementation of SecuredRDFNode to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The interface for secured Resource instances.
Implementation of SecuredResource to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The interface for secured Seq instances.
Implementation of SecuredSeq to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
The interface for secured Statement instances.
Implementation of SecuredStatement to be used by a SecuredItemInvoker proxy.
A secured StatementIterator implementation
An extension to the UnsupportedPolymorphismException to handle secured
polymorphic changes.
Identifies a specific CRUD actions.
A collection of utility functions for the SecurityEvaluator implementations.
A simple assembler for a SecurityEvaluator
Class to use Shiro to provide credentials.