
public class XSD extends Object
Defines Jena resources corresponding to the URIs for the XSD primitive datatypes which are known to Jena. See XSD
  • Field Details

    • NS

      public static final String NS
      The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
      See Also:
    • xfloat

      public static final Resource xfloat
      Resource URI for xsd:float
    • xdouble

      public static final Resource xdouble
      Resource URI for xsd:double
    • xint

      public static final Resource xint
      Resource URI for xsd:int
    • xlong

      public static final Resource xlong
      Resource URI for xsd:long
    • xshort

      public static final Resource xshort
      Resource URI for xsd:short
    • xbyte

      public static final Resource xbyte
      Resource URI for xsd:byte
    • xboolean

      public static final Resource xboolean
      Resource URI for xsd:boolean
    • xstring

      public static final Resource xstring
      Resource URI for xsd:string
    • unsignedByte

      public static final Resource unsignedByte
      Resource URI for xsd:unsignedByte
    • unsignedShort

      public static final Resource unsignedShort
      Resource URI for xsd:unsignedShort
    • unsignedInt

      public static final Resource unsignedInt
      Resource URI for xsd:unsignedInt
    • unsignedLong

      public static final Resource unsignedLong
      Resource URI for xsd:unsignedLong
    • decimal

      public static final Resource decimal
      Resource URI for xsd:decimal
    • integer

      public static final Resource integer
      Resource URI for xsd:integer
    • nonPositiveInteger

      public static final Resource nonPositiveInteger
      Resource URI for xsd:nonPositiveInteger
    • nonNegativeInteger

      public static final Resource nonNegativeInteger
      Resource URI for xsd:nonNegativeInteger
    • positiveInteger

      public static final Resource positiveInteger
      Resource URI for xsd:positiveInteger
    • negativeInteger

      public static final Resource negativeInteger
      Resource URI for xsd:negativeInteger
    • normalizedString

      public static final Resource normalizedString
      Resource URI for xsd:normalizedString
    • anyURI

      public static final Resource anyURI
      Resource URI for xsd:anyURI
    • token

      public static final Resource token
      Resource URI for xsd:token
    • Name

      public static final Resource Name
      Resource URI for xsd:Name
    • QName

      public static final Resource QName
      Resource URI for xsd:QName
    • language

      public static final Resource language
      Resource URI for xsd:language

      public static final Resource NMTOKEN
      Resource URI for xsd:NMTOKEN

      public static final Resource ENTITIES
      Resource URI for xsd:ENTITIES

      public static final Resource NMTOKENS
      Resource URI for xsd:NMTOKENS
    • ENTITY

      public static final Resource ENTITY
      Resource URI for xsd:ENTITY
    • ID

      public static final Resource ID
      Resource URI for xsd:ID
    • NCName

      public static final Resource NCName
      Resource URI for xsd:NCName
    • IDREF

      public static final Resource IDREF
      Resource URI for xsd:IDREF
    • IDREFS

      public static final Resource IDREFS
      Resource URI for xsd:IDREFS

      public static final Resource NOTATION
      Resource URI for xsd:NOTATION
    • hexBinary

      public static final Resource hexBinary
      Resource URI for xsd:hexBinary
    • base64Binary

      public static final Resource base64Binary
      Resource URI for xsd:base64Binary
    • date

      public static final Resource date
      Resource URI for xsd:date
    • time

      public static final Resource time
      Resource URI for xsd:time
    • dateTime

      public static final Resource dateTime
      Resource URI for xsd:dateTime
    • dateTimeStamp

      public static final Resource dateTimeStamp
      Resource URI for xsd:dateTimeStamp
    • duration

      public static final Resource duration
      Resource URI for xsd:duration
    • yearMonthDuration

      public static final Resource yearMonthDuration
      Resource URI for xsd:yearMonthDuration
    • dayTimeDuration

      public static final Resource dayTimeDuration
      Resource URI for xsd:dayTimeDuration
    • gDay

      public static final Resource gDay
      Resource URI for xsd:gDay
    • gMonth

      public static final Resource gMonth
      Resource URI for xsd:gMonth
    • gYear

      public static final Resource gYear
      Resource URI for xsd:gYear
    • gYearMonth

      public static final Resource gYearMonth
      Resource URI for xsd:gYearMonth
    • gMonthDay

      public static final Resource gMonthDay
      Resource URI for xsd:gMonthDay
    • length

      public static final Property length
      Property URI for xsd:length
    • minLength

      public static final Property minLength
      Property URI for xsd:minLength
    • maxLength

      public static final Property maxLength
      Property URI for xsd:maxLength
    • pattern

      public static final Property pattern
      Property URI for xsd:pattern
    • minInclusive

      public static final Property minInclusive
      Property URI for xsd:minInclusive
    • minExclusive

      public static final Property minExclusive
      Property URI for xsd:minExclusive
    • maxInclusive

      public static final Property maxInclusive
      Property URI for xsd:maxInclusive
    • maxExclusive

      public static final Property maxExclusive
      Property URI for xsd:maxExclusive
    • totalDigits

      public static final Property totalDigits
      Property URI for xsd:totalDigits
    • fractionDigits

      public static final Property fractionDigits
      Property URI for xsd:fractionDigits
  • Constructor Details

    • XSD

      public XSD()
  • Method Details

    • getURI

      public static String getURI()
      The RDF-friendly version of the XSD namespace with trailing # character.