Class QueryCheck


public class QueryCheck extends Object
Checking read-write operations on query objects.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    checkOp(Query query, boolean optimizeAlgebra)
    Convert a query to the SPARQL algebra with optionally algebra optimizations, write the algebra to a string, parse that string to get second algebra object and check the two algebra objects are the same (blank node isomorphic).
    static void
    Write a query to a string, parse that string to get a second query object, and check the two query objects are the same (blank node isomorphic).
    static void
    checkQuery(String queryString)
    Parse a query string, then check the query can be written and read back in again, then check the algebra form can be written and read back in again.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • QueryCheck

      public QueryCheck()
  • Method Details

    • checkQuery

      public static void checkQuery(String queryString)
      Parse a query string, then check the query can be written and read back in again, then check the algebra form can be written and read back in again. Throw an exception if there are any problems.
      See Also:
    • checkParse

      public static void checkParse(Query query)
      Write a query to a string, parse that string to get a second query object, and check the two query objects are the same (blank node isomorphic).
    • checkOp

      public static void checkOp(Query query, boolean optimizeAlgebra)
      Convert a query to the SPARQL algebra with optionally algebra optimizations, write the algebra to a string, parse that string to get second algebra object and check the two algebra objects are the same (blank node isomorphic).