Class LPBackwardRuleReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LPBackwardRuleReasoner extends Object implements Reasoner
Reasoner implementation which augments or transforms an RDF graph according to a set of rules. The rules are processed using a tabled LP backchaining interpreter which is implemented by the relevant InfGraph class.
  • Constructor Details

    • LPBackwardRuleReasoner

      public LPBackwardRuleReasoner(List<Rule> rules)
      Constructor. This is the raw version that does not reference a ReasonerFactory and so has no capabilities description.
      rules - a list of Rule instances which defines the ruleset to process
    • LPBackwardRuleReasoner

      public LPBackwardRuleReasoner(List<Rule> rules, ReasonerFactory factory)
      rules - a list of Rule instances which defines the ruleset to process
      factory - the parent reasoner factory which is consulted to answer capability questions
  • Method Details

    • getReasonerCapabilities

      public Model getReasonerCapabilities()
      Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF. These capabilities may be static or may depend on configuration information supplied at construction time. May be null if there are no useful capabilities registered.
      Specified by:
      getReasonerCapabilities in interface Reasoner
    • addDescription

      public void addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
      Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
      Specified by:
      addDescription in interface Reasoner
      configSpec - a Model into which the configuration information should be placed
      base - the Resource to which the configuration parameters should be added.
    • tablePredicate

      public void tablePredicate(Node predicate)
      Register an RDF predicate as one whose presence in a goal should force the goal to be tabled.
    • supportsProperty

      public boolean supportsProperty(Property property)
      Determine whether the given property is recognized and treated specially by this reasoner. This is a convenience packaging of a special case of getCapabilities.
      Specified by:
      supportsProperty in interface Reasoner
      property - the property which we want to ask the reasoner about, given as a Node since this is part of the SPI rather than API
      true if the given property is handled specially by the reasoner.
    • bindSchema

      public Reasoner bindSchema(Graph tbox) throws ReasonerException
      Precompute the implications of a schema graph. The statements in the graph will be combined with the data when the final InfGraph is created.
      Specified by:
      bindSchema in interface Reasoner
      tbox - the ontology axioms or rule set encoded in RDF
      a reasoner instace which can be used to process a data graph
      ReasonerException - if the reasoner cannot be bound to a rule set in this way, for example if the underlying engine can only accept a single rule set in this way and one rule set has already been bound in of if the ruleset is illformed.
    • bindSchema

      public Reasoner bindSchema(Model tbox) throws ReasonerException
      Precompute the implications of a schema Model. The statements in the graph will be combined with the data when the final InfGraph is created.
      Specified by:
      bindSchema in interface Reasoner
      tbox - the ontology axioms or rule set encoded in RDF
      a reasoner instace which can be used to process a data graph
      ReasonerException - if the reasoner cannot be bound to a rule set in this way, for example if the underlying engine can only accept a single rule set in this way and one rule set has already been bound in of if the ruleset is illformed.
    • bind

      public InfGraph bind(Graph data) throws ReasonerException
      Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process. The reasoner may already have been bound to specific rules or ontology axioms (encoded in RDF) through earlier bindRuleset calls.
      Specified by:
      bind in interface Reasoner
      data - the RDF data to be processed, some reasoners may restrict the range of RDF which is legal here (e.g. syntactic restrictions in OWL).
      an inference graph through which the data+reasoner can be queried.
      ReasonerException - if the data is ill-formed according to the constraints imposed by this reasoner.
    • getRules

      public List<Rule> getRules()
      Return the this of Rules used by this reasoner
      a List of Rule objects
    • setDerivationLogging

      public void setDerivationLogging(boolean logOn)
      Switch on/off derivation logging. If set to true then the InfGraph created from the bind operation will start life with recording of derivations switched on. This is currently only of relevance to rule-based reasoners.

      Default - false.

      Specified by:
      setDerivationLogging in interface Reasoner
    • setTraceOn

      public void setTraceOn(boolean state)
      Set the state of the trace flag. If set to true then rule firings are logged out to the Logger at "INFO" level.
    • setParameter

      public void setParameter(Property parameter, Object value)
      Set a configuration paramter for the reasoner. In the case of the this reasoner there are no configuration parameters and this method is simply here to meet the interfaces specification
      Specified by:
      setParameter in interface Reasoner
      parameter - the property identifying the parameter to be changed
      value - the new value for the parameter, typically this is a wrapped java object like Boolean or Integer.
    • getGraphCapabilities

      public Capabilities getGraphCapabilities()
      Return the Jena Graph Capabilties that the inference graphs generated by this reasoner are expected to conform to.
      Specified by:
      getGraphCapabilities in interface Reasoner